Software Solutions
for Smart Data collection and management

Specialised in the development of Meter Data Management and Mobile Data Collection systems in Walk-By/Drive-By and Fixed Network mode for LoRaWAN, Sigfox, NB-ioT, Wireless M-bus OMS and proprietary 868 MHz and 169 MHz protocols.

Data collection Mobile App
Software for reading collection, remote reading, qualification and replacement.

Data management Software
Web platform and desktop software with smart data management tools.

Consumer Mobile App
Application for monitoring consumption on smartphones and tablets.
Data Collection
Mobile App
Software for reading collection,
photo-reading and remote reading in
Walk-by/Drive-by mode for smartphones and tablets
MrGEST is the mobile data detection application for Android smartphones or tablets which allows you to operate simultaneously in the conventional photo-reading mode and smart remote reading Walk-By/Drive-By mode. It captures and decodes frames received in the M-bus OMS protocol or proprietary 868 MHz or 169 MHz protocols transmitted by smart meters made by many different meter manufacturers.
The main features of the software, in the Walk-By and Drive-By remote reading mode, includes the map element, which significantly improves the optimisation of the ideal routes in the field with procedures that display the route on a map, using guided navigation tools to find the shortest route to a selected marker on the map corresponding to the meter that has to be read.

WFMGEST mobile App has been developed to perform the meter replacement service for on field activities. It is connected to the cloud data management platform and it is able to reduce the time needed to import information from the field eliminating any data transfer errors from different systems.
It can be installed on Android tablets and it can be fully custmised by GEST’s IT team.
In addition to the data requested by the customer, it is also possible to have photographic documentation of old and new meters.
The app shows to each operator tasks to be planned and completed and all the users to carry out.
WFMGEST mobile App has been developed to perform the meter replacement service for on field activities. It is connected to the cloud data management platform and it is able to reduce the time needed to import information from the field eliminating any data transfer errors from different systems.
It can be installed on Android tablets and it can be fully custmised by GEST’s IT team.
In addition to the data requested by the customer, it is also possible to have photographic documentation of old and new meters.
The app shows to each operator tasks to be planned and completed and all the users to carry out.

GEST has developed a version of the Walk-By/Drive-By data collection software for Android tablets and smartphones. This works in the background without any interaction from the operator, who is free to perform other tasks while AmrGEST collects the data.
The App captures frames from meters in WM-Bus or 868 MHz and 169 MHz proprietary protocols. It automatically collects data from the nearby smart meters while the operator is working. AmrGEST sends the data in real -time to the GEST cloud which records and processes them to make readings available for viewing on the platform. The water utility back office will be able to monitor consumption, the number of readings and the geographical area of the meters being read in real time.

GEST has developed web software tools for the management of meter qualification activities. The aim is improve the level of knowledge of customer’s meters.
The software is designed for running Android Apps to collect qualification information and it can be used for photo- reading activities under 3 meters of distance.
It is a driven information acquisition process and each operator must document the acquisition steps.
GEST has developed various field software and web viewing tools for the management of meter qualification activities, in order to improve the level of knowledge of the meters installed by the customer.
The software for collecting qualification information is an Android app installed on the same terminal used for photo-reading activities to capture images and geographical coordinates with an accuracy of less than 3 meters. The information acquisition process is guided, and each operator fills in the digital forms with the required information and documents the acquisition steps. This activity is carried out prior to the meter procurement phases and is very helpful in correctly determining the diameters of the meters that will need to be replaced.

Data management Software
Web Portal for Smart Data consultation
WebGEST is a platform for consulting data from smart meters and peripheral devices in Fixed Network, Walk-By/Drive-By mode. It consists of modules for managing the different operational phases of qualification, meter replacement and consumption consultation using real-time tools to monitor the transmission quality of the devices and the coverage level of the infrastructure.
Using Dashboards and Analytics the platform combines data analysis and user-friendly data representations. These give to the customer the possibility to use the measured consumption immediately for billing purposes and to verify the technical and commercial quality of the water distribution service. For this reason, data export tools in the most common formats are implemented. This process is filtered with customised queries based on the client’s requirements or extraction requests.

Software for viewing and optimising geographical coordinates and logical reading routes
GESTgeo is a software developed by GEST to optimise the geographical coordinates collected by data operators in the field. The interface includes various graphic features that allow you to check the reliability of the data detected, improve its accuracy and optimize the logical reading routes for meter reading campaigns.
The map viewing features allow the set of points corresponding to the position of the meters to be viewed, highlighting, with different coloured pushpins, the users filtered by lap, anomaly, type, consumption or any criteria defined by the customer.
The software also contains analysis tools that allow you to define an area and identify the users belonging to that area, generating statistical reports that can be verticalised according to the customer's needs. Advanced Network Analysis procedures, based on algorithms developed and designed by the GEST IT sector, allow logical reading routes to be reviewed, identifying the best path to follow.
Software for viewing and optimising geographical coordinates and logical reading routes
GESTgeo is a software developed by GEST to optimise the geographical coordinates collected by data operators in the field. The interface includes various graphic features that allow you to check the reliability of the data detected, improve its accuracy and optimize the logical reading routes for meter reading campaigns.
The map viewing features allow the set of points corresponding to the position of the meters to be viewed, highlighting, with different coloured pushpins, the users filtered by lap, anomaly, type, consumption or any criteria defined by the customer.
The software also contains analysis tools that allow you to define an area and identify the users belonging to that area, generating statistical reports that can be verticalised according to the customer's needs. Advanced Network Analysis procedures, based on algorithms developed and designed by the GEST IT sector, allow logical reading routes to be reviewed, identifying the best path to follow.

Integrated Water Utility Management Software
The SiuGEST software is the result of the experience gained by GEST over the years in managing the integrated water service on behalf of different clients (municipalities, water utilities, etc.). Its implementation stems mainly from the need to manage the in-house services of the GEST company itself, subsequently proposed to customers. The interface is simple and user-friendly, as well as easy to view, and simplifies front-office operations with users.
The meter reading module is available in basic, standard and professional version. The basic version only includes functions related to data synchronisation between back-office operators and field staff. The standard and professional ones have additional functionalities for processing reading routes, viewing user and reading data, and displaying photographic documentation collected during reading campaigns. It also gives a cartographic representation of the user's meter position, analysis tools and statistical graphs of the work done.
In the full version of the software, in addition to the reading module in the professional version, billing and supply contract management modules have been implemented to generate the water supply register, bills, record the payments received and process query procedures for data for the recovery of unpaid bills.

Mobile Consumer App
HomeGEST - GESThome
Water bills can sometimes bring unwelcome surprises, often due to small leaks that are beyond our control but can generate huge costs over time between one bill and the next. In most cases, we only realise that we have a leak when we receive the bill from our water company. GEST Consumi is the App designed to solve these issues and keep a constant check on the usage reported by your smart meter.
A simple and user-friendly interface allows you to view daily, weekly, monthly and yearly the usage figures collected by the operator in Walk-By/Drive-By or Fixed Network reading and remote reading mode. The system alerts you to any problem or loss. It is useful for reducing waste.
In order to simplify the data and make it easier to understand, the interface shows the average usage, the ratio between current and previous usage, the maximum and minimum values recorded over a period of time (days, weeks, months or years), displaying the usage in real-time.

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Tell us about goals you want to achieve with your company and find out how Gest can boost your business. Fill out the form, we will get back to you as soon as possible. If you prefer you can send an email to or call us at +39 095 221654
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GEST s.r.l.
Viale Cristoforo Colombo, 13/C
95037 San Giovanni La Punta (CT)
Phone number: +39 095 221654
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